
Visitors and Vendors database

Vulcan comes equipped to log into a database all the relevant details: License Plate, Driver information and vehicle pictures and make them available for later audits.

Vulcan system incorporates a database that is designed to log several categories of relevant information: vehicle license plates, driver information and photos of the vehicles. Our Visitor and Vendor Database allows authorized persons to retrieve relevant data with the full assurance that everything will stand up to any level of scrutiny.

  • Vulcan is highly configurable and allows each HOA to impose automatically its own vendor / contractor rules (i.e. denying access between 7 pm - 7 am interval)
  • Vulcan system can be configured to show “red flags” and allow security to instantly deny access
  • The database is designed to provide high quality and legally acceptable evidence

VULCAN ACCESS MANAGEMENT SOLUTION - Bringing HOA access solutions into the 21st Century